Monday, March 31, 2014

Gypsy at...

So its official I have a solid Mentorship that I will be volunteering at for the rest of my fifty hours. In other words I will be there helping for at least thirty three hours. The production I will be working on, will be Gypsy starting this Thursday 4/4 at the Taylor Hall in Claremont off of Indian hill. The curtains open the 9th of April and the dates follow: Tuesday 4/15, Wed. 4/16, Tuesday 4/22, Wed. 4/23. Not that the times are the same for the first three shows however do not for the last since the last date is actually two showings in one day. I'm really excited for this I will get to work stage crew and shadow the lighting and set designer. Much to follow up with, so until next time have a great day.

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