Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Blog 21: Mentorship

The link to is there to the right--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Also my mentor and his contacts: Bobby Collins. Cell: 909.964.3360 Email: bobby_collins1@yahoo.com
Place: Inland Valley Repertoire Theater (performance at the Candlelight Pavilion)
     What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
For me the most important experience was persevering through obstacles.  The challenge of finding a mentor taught me to keep trying and don't give up.  Several people I contacted did not take me seriously as they felt a high school student could not be reliable or had any knowledge.  This experience taught me how to take rejection, pick my self up and keep going until I a got a yes.  That being timid would not work , that I had to know my worth and convey that to others.
     How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ?  Please explain.
Since being a theatre tech is a very hands on experience based career, mentorship helped me create my EQ along with answering my EQ. My EQ required answers that involved not only knowledge of the topics but hands on experience too.  Practical application of how things are done in a production completed how I would answer my EQ.  Mentorship allowed me to see first hand that on paper something should work but in real life many times it does not.  So the experience taught me how to adjust and evaluate a situation and find a solution that worked.

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